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Lowest Price Pledge

The same holiday home, from the same owner for less on Clickstay than on Airbnb, or Vrbo. Owners who have joined the lowest price pledge have made a commitment to offer you the lowest price if you book on Clickstay. Book direct with the owners on Clickstay; we don't have any service fees and we don't charge owners high commissions which means you shouldn't find the same property cheaper elsewhere.

Everything you need to know about the lowest price pledge

Owners who are part of the lowest price pledge will make sure you pay the lowest price for their property on Clickstay. Many owners include links to their property listing on Airbnb, and Vrbo so you can compare prices. In the unlikely event that you find the property cheaper on another site, contact the owner and they'll reduce the price on Clickstay.

Three easy steps


Search and compare

Look for your perfect holiday home and compare the same listing on Airbnb, and Vrbo.

Message the owner

If you find the same property is cheaper on another site, send the owner a message through Clickstay to let them know.

Save money

The owner will lower the price on Clickstay meaning you save money! Book direct on Clickstay for safe and secure payments at the lowest price.

More information on the lowest price pledge

Look on other sites

Read reviews and compare prices for the same dates on Airbnb, and Vrbo.

Book direct and save money

Clickstay offers the lowest price with no service fees or high commissions to the owner.

Trusted and established

We have 21 years of experience and hundreds of thousands of guests have booked on Clickstay.