Al Qasr Villa

1 property

Direct booking - no fees

Joined 2021

Al Qasr Villa

Owner from Ferndown, United Kingdom


Hello, we're Lynn and Fraser from Dorset. We stayed in the lovely village of Cortijo Cabrera 15 years ago, when our children were 9 and 8 years of age and we fell in love with it. We knew we always wanted our own place in the area but we either never had the time, (raising a family/work/moving abroad) or could never seem to find 'the one'. We finally found it, during one of the covid lockdowns! With some travel restrictions still in place or guests staying at the villa, we walked through the doors on the 20th September 2021, (the day we completed/purchased her), to see it for the very first time. We knew it was a special villa and the views were outstanding but it still did not prepare us for the beauty we saw. We had been busy updating and getting our new home ready for our 2022 guests, when disaster struck. To cut a very long story short, Almeria had the largest rainfall since records began in March 2022. With poor drainage in place, this caused a number of problems, not just for us but for others on the mountain. It affected our parking area and the lower terrace so much, with a heavy heart, we had to cancel and refund our 2022 guests. However.....not only did we get through it, we rebuilt the areas stronger and tougher! . We also took the opportunity to add extras!. One being our outside kitchen, that will be ready for April 2023. We are so excited for the 2023 season and we hope to be welcoming you to our home. Lynn & Fraser

1 property