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Villas, apartments and other holiday lettings to book directly with owners

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Private holiday rentals for less

Find your perfect holiday home, from villas with private pools in Spain to beach apartments in Cyprus, houses in Florida to cottages in the UK and much more.

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Read reviews and compare prices for the same holiday homes on Airbnb, and Vrbo.

Book direct and save money

Clickstay offers the lowest price for holiday rentals with no service fees or high commissions to the owner.

Trusted and established

We have 21 years of experience and hundreds of thousands of holidaymakers have booked on Clickstay.

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Over 3,000 verified reviews

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Owners have the lowest prices on Clickstay

Why choose Clickstay?

Clickstay connects owners and guests directly with no renter fees - unlike many other platforms. Originally known as Villa Renters (, we started with a focus on villas but now offer a diverse range of holiday homes, from villas in Portugal and rentals in Florida to apartments in Benidorm and cottages in Cornwall.

We're committed to transparent, hassle-free holiday bookings. Owners have full control over their listings, ensuring guests get the best prices. We also support open communication, never filtering messages between renters and owners. Find out more about Clickstay.

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Add your property to Clickstay to take direct bookings, enjoy low fees, and stay in control. Start earning more from your holiday home today!

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